The Littlest Yak by Lu Fraser and Kate Hindley
A month or so back, Luffy and I came to the store and found a couple of gems in their second hand book collection. So Luffy and I decided to dive into their collection again today. One of the books we surfaced with is The Littlest Yak by Lu Fraser and Kate Hindley.
I immediately read it after reaching home and Luffy, Preeti and I have read it multiple times over the past nine hours. Luffy spent a little time with cows at his maternal grandparents' house so he keeps referring to the Yak as a Cow. Last time we read it, he was hyper, and he was attempting to imitate the various things that the Yak was doing in its' attempt to grow big!
There is a lot of warmth in this story that depicts a herd of Yaks in the snow.
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